Epilogue Katara, Raven, Bucky Barnes (hero), Kai the thunder mamando, Batman threatens Scarlet Spider
Fade to Ben Reilly in the present, smiling at the memory. Ben Reilly (evil Kaine) suddenly notices a clearly disgruntled Katara, Raven, Bucky Barnes, Kai The Thunder Mamado at the door.
Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your ... transformation, (evil Scarlet spider: What ) but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past. [Approaches him; threateningly.] So let me tell you something, right now. You make one step backward, [Close-up of Zuko.] one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Peter or Aunt May, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. [Close-up of Katara's angry face.] Because I'll make sure your destiny ends ... right then and there. Permanently.
Batman: Peter
(Raven Bucky, Kai the thunder Mamado) Or Aunt May
evil ben reilly (gulp) I was sorry
Kai Thunder the mamando: we can't trust you anymore ben or called you real name Kanie not ben.
Raven: Don't deserve that name you still a traitor
Spiderman: But ben save us? guys
Batman: No Spiderman. he betrayed the team,
Bucky Barnes: He work for Doc Ock.
Raven: He unmasked, know your identify
Kai the Thunder Mamando and Nick Fury, Phil Coulson ,Katara, Ladybug: And he also attack Aunt May, Flash and destroy the Aunt May house. and evil clone traitor .
Spiderman: but aunt may
Aunt May: I know but maybe they right. (Aunt May) (Spiderman question)
Batman: I keep eye on you for now.
Scarlet spider (angry( What?)
Raven: Stay away from Peter and stay away from Aunt May Forever
Red hood (Jason Todd) But first, it you go rogue or betrayl us again you will be sorry,
evil Scarlet Spider: (gulp)
Kai the Thunder and Bucky Barnes (hero) : (both speaking) or by the way you don't deserve that name Ben or so called you Kaine?
Katara, Raven, Bucky (hero),Batman, Katara (Avatar) VS. evil Scarlet spider traitor
Bucky meet Spiderman.
Raven: Unforgivable, You no Web Warrior, I keep eye on you for now.