Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki
The Parent Trap
2, 19
Parent Trap
Air date August 4, 2013
Written by Man of Action & Kaita Mpambara
Directed by Roy Burdine
<font-family:Trajan Pro;font color="white">Episode Guide
Guardians of the Galaxy


Game Over
"This isn't exactly how I wanted our family reunion to go, but... I'll take it anyway."

The Parent Trap is the 19th episode of the second season of Ultimate Spider-Man. It aired on July 28, 2013.


Spider-Man and Power Man infiltrate Zodiac's base to discover what happened to Power Man's parents.


Spider-Man, Power Man, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team head towards Zodiac's base in a volcano to stop Scorpio from creating an army of supersoldiers with the help of Zodiac's key. Fury creates a side entrance with the help of Tricarrier where he orders Spider-Man and Power Man to inflitrate the base. Spider-Man and Power Man enter the base and soon learns that former S.H.I.E.L.D scientists and Power Man/Luke Cage's parents Walter Cage and Amanda Cage are still alive and working for Scorpio. Taking this mission as personal, Power Man heads to save the Cage family where a relucant Spider-Man accompanies him. While heading to locate his parents, Power Man narrates that his family were attacked by Scorpio on vacation in an aircraft where Amanda forced him to drink the super-serum which saved him from falling in the sea and was taken by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Power Man takes Spider-Man to the Zodiac's key which he had traced in the monitor while he leaves to find the Cage family. Spider-Man finds and removes the key from its charger where he learns that Fury gave new orders to not remove the key as it would self-destruct the Zodiac base. Spider-Man arrives and Power Man finally finds the Cage family, but they tell the duo to leave them as Scorpio promised that he would reunite them with their son Luke. Scorpio attacks the duo and a fight ensues where Power Man is thrown into the molten lava by the Zodiac's key. Spider-Man defeats Scorpio and reveals that Luke is with S.H.I.E.L.D and Scorpio lied to him. Spider-Man saves Power Man by throwing the Zodiac key into the molten lava which erupts and saves him. Scorpio injects the super-serum, which is defective and can be exploded like a time bomb. Power Man fights Scorpio where he defeats Scorpio by throwing into the molten lava with the help of Spider-Man. Scorpio explodes and is later arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. The Cage family learns Power Man's identity and reunites with him, where they also later reunite with Fury. The S.H.I.E.L.D agents, along with Spider-Man, Power Man and his parents return to the Tricarrier.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]


Other Characters[]



  • Phil Coulson: Have you located the key?

  • Phil Coulson: Coulson out.

  • Nick Fury: (On Communicator) Spider-Man, report in!

  • Phil Coulson: Spider-Man, about the zodiac key--

  • Phil Coulson: New orders do not remove the key.

  • Nick Fury: Now get back to the Tricarrier with that key. Pronto.

  • Nick Fury: We got hostiles. Fury out.


