Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki
Biographical information
Physical description
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Laser Beem


Norn Stone

Production details

The Destroyer is a Asgardian machine with unstoppable power.

Physical Appearance

The Destroyer is a empty Asgardian armor, covered with spikes, with the Norn Stone in his chest.[1]


Spider-Man's team finds the Destroyer at the depths of the Hudson River while they were looking for Thor and then when Spider-man teams accidentally touch the Norn Stone they turned into smaller version of themselves. Loki later unleashes the Destroyer onto the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tricarier. Nick Fury arrives to help Spider-Man's team and Thor fight the Destroyer enough for Thor to knock it off the Helicarrier. Thor and the Destroyer fights across the rooftops until Spider-Man's team catches up. Loki then possesses the the Destroyer to finish the job. Thor states to Spider-Man's team that they must separate the Norn Stone from the Destroyer. Spider-Man's team takes their fight to the toy store where Thor managed to get the Norn Stone off of the Destroyer and restore Spider-Man's team to normal.[1]

Powers and Abilities

  • Strength: The Destroyer's large size gives it a formidable physical power, enough to bat away a car hurled at it with apparent ease and swat Thor back several feet with one hit.[1]
  • Durability: The Destroyer`s Asgardian metal materials that makes it highly resistant to damage. Even when Thor hit him with Mjolnir showed no signs of damage from it.[1]
  • Energy Blast: The Destroyer can unleashed energy blast through its eyes.The energy discharge lances out the orange-white beam. The touch of this beam was enough to blast a car to pieces or vaporize a living being.[1]
  • Retrograde Positioning: The Destroyer is able to move its armor pieces so that it faces the opposite way without turning around; its back side becomes its front side and vice versa. This was used when Ava showed up to him.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "Itsy Bitsy Spider-Man". TBA (writers) & TBA (director). June 9, 2013. No. 38.