The 2099 Universe (designated Earth-928) is an alternate reality in the Multiverse, later revealed to be a distant future of mainstream universe. It is home to c/Miguel O'Hara.
The world of 2099 is a cyberpunk dystopia of New York City. North America is a corporate police state ruled by megacorps, most notably Alchemax, which owns the private police force Public Eye. Miguel O'Hara, the 2099 Spider-Man, is an Alchemax employee.
It is a futuristic universe where all superheroes and supervillains have disappeared after mysterious events known as the great purge and where the world is dominated by megacorporations like Alchemax.
Little by little, at the end of the 21st century, superheroes with the same characteristics and powers of those of the past and some new characteristics are appearing. The superheroes that appeared are:
- Spider-Man 2099
- Ghost Rider 2099
- Punisher 2099
- Hulk 2099
- Doom 2099.
Superhero groups also appeared such as:
- Fantastic Four 2099
- X-Men 2099
- X-Nation 2099.
Finally, there were totally new heroes such as:
- Ragage 2099.
Notable Residents[]
- Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara
- Peter Parker 2099
- J. Jonah Jameson 2099
- In the end of Spider-Verse comic book event confirms that Earth-928 is the same universe as Earth-616, but in distant future, designated Earth-616 circa 2099 A.D..